很多人都會認同,添.布頓Tim Burton是荷里活的一個鬼才導演。其實他不只是一位電影導演,更是製片人、藝術家、作者、動畫製作者。他拍攝和製作的電影是別人一看就看得出是他獨有的風格(The movies he filmed and produced have his own signature style that everyone can recognise)。對於他,一般人只有極喜愛或者極討厭,很少人會對他感覺普通或者沒有感覺(Other than that, most people either extremely love him or extremely hate him. Not many people would find him ordinary or indifferent.)。
喜歡他的人會愛上他電影情節的瘋狂,以及電影風格的悲傷黑暗(Those who like him will fall in love with the craziness in his movie's scenes and the sadness and darkness of his movie style)。由於擁有封閉、孤獨的童年生活,他習慣沉浸在自己的世界裡,只用繪畫表達生活和對世界的看法 (Because of his isolated and lonely childhood, he was used to indulge in his own little world and express his perspectives about life and the world through drawing),直到他在加州藝術學院(California Institute of the Arts)學習時因創作《Stalk of the Celery Monster 》(芹菜怪物的莖)得到了迪士尼的獎學金(obtained a scholarship from Walt Disney),一個贊助年輕動畫人以幫助他們成就夢想的基金。(which aimed to help the young to realise their dream)。自此他開始正式成為迪士尼的動畫師,之後成為導演(Since then, he had officially become a cartoonist at Walt Disney, later on a movie director.)
Tim Burton亦不否認自己是一個怪人,但世上怪人怎只他一個,所以他亦吸引了無數追隨他的粉絲(He doesn't deny that he himself is a weirdo but then there are a whole bunch of other weirdos than just him in this world. As a result, he has attracted countless fans who follow him)。在一個訪問中,他直言︰「One person's craziness is another person's reality.」意思就是一個人的瘋狂,正正是另一個人的真實世界。
Tim Burton其中一個奇怪的做法就是擁有大量重複合作者。他的「御用合作人」包括從第一次合作至今、一直是密友的Johnny Depp(強尼.戴普),為布頓大部分影片配樂的Danny Elfman(丹尼.艾爾夫曼),以及英國著名女演員兼他的伴侶Helena Bonham Carter(海倫娜.寶漢.卡特)。(未完待續)■馬漪楠
(曾獲行政長官卓越教學獎(英國語文教育學習領域),與丈夫岑皓軒合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1,2&3》,《全家變泰》及《放養孩子 ─ 育出自學力》。)