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2011年9月2日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-09-02]     我要評論

余黎青萍 前教育署署長


as mad as a March hare;as mad as a hatter 全失常性、瘋瘋癲癲

as old as dirt;as old as the hills 陳年古老、非常古舊

as poor as a church mouse 極之貧困

as pretty as a picture 美如畫

as proud as a peacock 驕傲如孔雀

as pure as snow 雪般潔白 

as quick as a flash 快如閃光

as quiet as a mouse 靜默、害羞如小鼠

as round as a barrel 圓如桶狀

as sharp as a needle 敏銳、精明

as silent as the grave 寂靜如墳場

as silly as a goose 很呆笨、愚蠢

as slippery as an eel 滑頭滑腦、難以捕捉/捉摸

as slow as a snail 慢似蝸牛、慢吞吞

as smooth as silk 柔滑如絲

as sound as a bell 狀態很健全

as stiff as a poker (態度)生硬

as strong as an ox 頑強如公牛

as stubborn as a mule 很倔強、固執

as sturdy as an oak 壯如橡樹

as sure as fate 確定的、千真萬確的

as sweet as honey 甜如蜜

as swift as lightning 快如閃電

as tall as a giraffe 高大如長頸鹿

as thin as a rake 瘦削如耙子/如籐

as tough as nails 堅韌不屈

as white as a sheet (臉)白如紙

as wise as an owl 極有智慧



between the devil and the deep blue sea 進退兩難

chop and change 不斷更換

fly in the ointment 掃興的東西、美中不足

fly on the wheel 自負而不自量力者

hand in glove 朋比為奸

heart of gold 心地善良

heart of stone 鐵石心腸

in the clouds 茫然空想

iron hand 鐵腕鎮壓

iron lady 鐵娘子

lion's share 最大份

(in) lion's skin 空威風、假勇敢

on thin ice 如履薄冰

through thick and thin;through fire and water


sea of faces, troubles 很多面孔、煩惱

under a cloud 受嫌疑、遭白眼

under the weather 有微恙、心情不好

windbag 健談之人、饒舌者、長氣袋

wolf in sheep's clothing 偽君子、假裝善良的人


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細味巨著A-Z:作品作者配對期終考(上) (2011-07-08)
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