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2012年3月16日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-03-16]     我要評論

■內地大多數引人關注的建築均由外國建築師操刀設計,當中包括京奧主體場館鳥巢。 資料圖片



Revelation of Wang Shu's award to the Chinese architectural sector

Mainland architect Wang Shu was awarded the Pritzker Prize, which is known as the Nobel Prize of architecture. It is the first time a local architect on the mainland has won this prestigious award. In fact, China, now in its golden age of urbanization and modernization, has become the largest playing field for the architectural sector of the world to explore. It is only natural that the country will be able to give birth to world class architects and works of architecture. The works of Wang Shu blend rich traditional culture and rural characteristics into the modern trend of architecture, giving a special touch of freshness in the midst of a xenophilia atmosphere that currently haunts the architectural field in China. The fact that Wang Shu was awarded the highest honour in the international architectural arena shows that Chinese architectural designs have full recognition from the international community, and it reveals that an architectural culture rich in Chinese characteristics should be cultivated.

At present, most eye-catching structures on the mainland, including those works of national pride like the National Centre for the Performing Arts and the Beijing Olympics National Stadium aka the Bird's Nest, are designed by foreign architects. More remarkably, quite many structures, for the sole purpose of showing off and extravagance, copy the Western designs of skyscrapers. These structures are ubiquitously decorated with glass walls and have entirely given up elements of traditional Chinese architectural style. This will eventually wipe Chinese cultural heritage off the landscape of the cities. The award won by Wang Shu reflects the emphasis placed by the international community on the traditional Chinese culture and style. It is in essence a wake-up call to the architects in China, urging them to once again review the value of traditional architectural concepts. Only by having respect to heritage, making good use of national characteristics and organically integrating national style and culture with international trends can we give more life to the architectural structures in China. ■Translation by 東明



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