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2012年5月11日 星期五
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社評雙語道:弘揚佛教文化 促進社會和諧

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-05-11]     我要評論

■佛教界最高聖物頂骨舍利上月底蒞港供奉。 資料圖片




Preach Buddhist beliefs and promote social harmony

Hong Kong saw the grand opening of the Third World Buddhist Forum at the end of last month when the most sacred object of the Buddhist community, the Buddha's parietal bone relic, was moved to Hong Kong for public worship. To have the World Buddhist forum held in Hong Kong and to have the parietal bone relic here for public worship is a great event for the Buddhist community. The event carries significant meaning in terms of soul cleansing and promoting social harmony. Furthermore, it reflects the care and affection that the country has given to Hong Kong, and underlines Hong Kong's unique advantage and charm in having a diversity of cultures and religious beliefs.

The parietal bone relic is the most precious relic left behind after the nirvana of Sakyamuni Buddha and it is the only single piece in the world. According to Buddhist doctrines, "Seeing the relic is like seeing the Buddha." The Buddha parietal bone relic, symbolizing the wisdom of Sakyamuni Buddha, is the most sacred object in the Buddhist community. It is indeed a great blessing to Hong Kong that the relic was moved to the territory for public worship, giving the local people the chance to pay tribute to this rarest treasure of Buddhism and to bathe in the grace of Buddha. The experience would certainly enlighten the merciful thoughts in the hearts of the worshippers, guide them to understand the real meaning of life, enhance their wisdom and cleanse their soul. Hong Kong will also enjoy more protection from the Buddha, and so expect smooth governance and a harmonious and stable society.

Hong Kong is an international urban city as well as a place where different religions and cultures coexist. Hosting the World Buddhist Forum is a way to spread the finest culture, to extend the ideology of a harmonious world and to encourage the inclusion of different beliefs. It aims at encouraging the harmonious coexistence of different cultures and religions, and promoting a pluralistic way of life where both Eastern and Western civilizations merge. It is hoped that, through the application of Buddhist ideas that teach people to solemnly honor the motherland, benefit the living, be impartially altruistic and have empathy to the feelings of the others, Hong Kong can continue to build on a culture of mutual respect and inclusiveness. In doing so, Hong Kong can become an example where a world of equality can be achieved and a heaven on earth can be realized. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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