Is China a Power? (7)
As an old Chinese saying goes, only family members can fully appreciate the complexities and difficulties within the family. The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao once remarked: any small problem in China can grow into a huge one, if multiplied by 1.3 billion; any big achievement can become too tiny to notice once divided by the same 1.3 billion.
Then, where is China going? What should China look like in the mind's eye of the Chinese?
It is hard to generalise. But to put it into simple terms, we are hoping to develop China into a country with prosperity, democracy and the rule of law, and a country that works for peace and cooperation across the world.
The Chinese pursuit of prosperity is for every child to go to school, every job properly paid, every sickness treated, every elderly cared for, and every family comfortably housed. At long last, this is now possible.
1. premier noun 總理
2. prosperity noun 繁榮,昌盛
3. generalise verb 一概而論
書本簡介:傅瑩,現任中國外交部副部長,2003年至2009年間,先後任中國駐澳洲和英國大使,在西方被認為是有巨大影響力的外交官之一。本書是她擔任駐兩國大使期間所作的重要演講,聽眾均是西方政商學界的有影響力人士,內容圍繞如何了解當代中國、中國是一個甚麼樣的國家、金融危機下的中國與西方的關係等。 ■資料提供:中華書局