「熱氣球」hot-air balloon
「埃及樂蜀發生19死2傷熱氣球半空爆炸慘劇」:「埃及」是Egypt;「樂蜀」是Luxor,讀如LUCK-sor;「熱氣球」是hot-air balloon,單單說balloon也可;「半空」是mid-air;「爆炸」是explode;「慘劇」是tragedy。
「其中9名死者為本港勝景遊旅行團團友」:「死者」可說the dead或victims;「勝景遊」是Kuoni,讀如ku-OH-nee;「旅行團」是package tour;「團友」這兒其實用from表示已可。
「自費」pay extra
「他們於昨晨自費參加乘坐熱氣球升空觀看日出活動遇難」:「自費」可說pay extra,即額外付款;「參加」是join;「乘坐」是ride;「升空」其實不用說;「觀看日出活動」可以sunrise作形容詞;「遇難」可說when the disaster occurred。
「勝景遊對意外深表歉意」:「深表歉意」可說convey a profound apology。
「乘夜機」take a night flight
「並已派出職員聯同入境處人員陪同死者家屬乘夜機趕往當地處理事件」:「派出」說send便可;「職員」是staff;「聯同」說with便可;「入境處人員」是immigration officials;「陪同」是accompany;「死者家屬」是families of the victims;「乘夜機」叫take a night flight;「趕往」是rush to;「當地」可索性說Egypt;「處理事件」可說handle the incident。
因此全段可英譯如下:Nineteen people died and two injured in a tragedy at Luxor, Egypt when a hot-air balloon exploded mid-air. Among the dead, nine were from a Kuoni package tour in Hong Kong. They paid extra to join a sunrise balloon ride yesterday morning (February 26th)when the disaster occurred. Kuoni conveyed a profound apology, and has sent staff to accompany families of the victims with the immigration officials to take a night flight and rush to Egypt to handle the incident. ■MT Ness