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2013年3月13日 星期三
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社評雙語道:改革行政機構 適應社會轉型

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-03-13]     我要評論

■中國將實行鐵路政企分開,國務院將組建國家鐵路局和中國鐵路總公司,圖為春運中的和諧號。 資料圖片



Reform the administrative body to keep in line with social transformation

The Second Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee held on 28 February discussed and passed the draft plan for the reform of State Council agencies and change of functions. It was recommended to the State Council that the draft plan be presented in the upcoming First Session of the Twelfth National People掇 Congress for discussion. This is a move to realize the idea of 烞teadily pushing forward the big department system* raised in the Eighteenth CPC National Congress, meaning that reform of the administrative body will be the central issue for the 浭PC and CPPCC sessions* this year. Steadily pushing forward the big department system will help streamline administration and delegation of power, thereby improving the efficiency of policy execution. It will also change the present imperfect state of over-centralization of power that breeds bribery and corruption, creating a highly efficient and corruption-free government which aims at serving the public. This is a highly significant move for China to keep in line with the development of a market economy and to speed up the transformation of its economic and social structure.

Today, the administrative body of the mainland is marred by a 涄hronic disease* which has long been strongly criticized. The disease is the over-centralization of power. Hugh resources are controlled by groups who have vested interests. These vested interests are breeding grounds for bribery and corruption. The corruption case of Liu Zhijun of the Ministry of Railroad is a typical example. Under the big department system, significant breakthrough will be made in the distribution and definition of accountability, authority and interests of the government agencies. Not only will the staffing of the administrative body be streamlined but their functions will also be optimized. While reducing and decentralizing the power of the administrative body, a sound supervisory mechanism will be established. If a bold step is taken to make an overhaul, power will be delegated to the wider community to build a government that upholds clearly defined values and satisfies people's aspiration for 烒ight alignment between authority and accountability*. This is to build a sound system of corruption-free government so that policies can be implemented in a more democratic and scientific manner, and people's trust in and support of the government can as well be enhanced. Therefore, the big department system is also seen as a major initiative to push forward political reform.


 ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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