上次向同學介紹了應對推論性問題(inference questions)的策略,這次,筆者將分上下兩期,和大家介紹推論性問題的種類。主要來說,在DSE卷一閱讀中,經常用4種方法去考inference questions:
1. True/false/not given questions(對/錯/沒提及問題);
2. Multiple-choice questions(多項選擇題);
3. Cloze summary questions(撮要題);
4. Short-response questions(簡短回應問題)。
在2012DSE卷一Reading Part A中,你都會見到這幾類型的題目。現在就讓我用2012DSE past paper做例子,考考同學在應用inference skills的能力,亦讓大家認清不同類型的inference question吧。
首先為大家介紹True/not given questions,請先看看下面一段文字:
The drinks at Happy Cafe cost around Baht 160(approximately HKD40), and for that price you can try out any game for an hour. Buy another drink, then you can play for another hour: there are about 40 games to choose from at this point, most of them imported from Germany and the US. There's little foreign text which may slow you down, but anyway you get Thai instructions and the staff can help you.
問題來了:Decide whether the following statements are True, False, or the information is Not Given in the paragraph.
1) Customers can play board games at Happy Cafe for 2 hours if they buy 2 drinks.
2) You need sound English in order to play games imported from Germany or the US.
根據上文,「The drinks at Happy Cafe cost around Baht 160(approximately HKD40),and for that price you can try out any game for an hour.」,這句話指的是買了一杯大約40港元的飲品就可以玩任何一款遊戲。下一句「Buy another drink, then you can play for another hour」亦告訴我們只要再買多一杯飲品就可以玩多一個小時遊戲。換句話說,客人如果他們買兩杯飲品便可以玩兩小時。所以Statement1的答案是True。再看,你會發現「...you get Thai instructions and the staff can help you」。這告訴我們雖然那些遊戲是來自德國或美國的,但因有泰語的說明,亦有員工解釋遊戲規則,所以即使不懂英文亦可玩那些遊戲。換句話說,statement 2的答案是False。答這種問題時,同學要注意千萬別將內文沒提及的東西誤以為有提及。
除了「True/False/Not given」這類題目外,也經常用multiple-choice形式去問大家inference question,筆者還是用2012DSE part paper去講解這形式的題目。先看以下一段文字:
All very nice, but come on, guys – seriously – have you seen the latest iPad and Xbox Kinect? How can you compete with them?
Question:What's the writer's tone in the paragraph?
A. Positive(正面的)
B. Worried(擔心的)
C. Doubtful(懷疑的)
D. Negative(負面的)
在以上的一段文字中,作者用了「...but come on」和「seriously」字眼,意思是要大家認真地想清楚究竟board games能否勝過iPad和Xbox Kinect。結尾是「How can you compete with them?」代表作者覺得board games不能和iPad與Xbox Kinect鬥過。所以答案是C. Doubtful。
筆者在這一期先向各位考生介紹推論性問題的前兩種:True/false/not given questions(對/錯/沒提及問題)和Multiple-choice questions(多項選擇題),希望考生能夠根據不同的題型多加複習,而剩下的兩種題型,筆者將於下周分享。 ■馬漪楠 培正中學英文科副主任