■寫作用詞的多元化且準確有深度,有助考生提升英文作文的層次。 資料圖片
「word order」 中英有異
例如,同學也經常寫錯以下英文:「來來回回/前後」的英文應該是「back and forth」,但同學們就會把中文直譯成英文,寫成「forth and back」。又例如「水陸」兩路的「水陸」同學會寫成「water and land」,但英文的寫法其實應是「land and water」。「田徑」亦是另一「word order」改變了的好例子,其英文是「track and filed」而非「field and track」。
那麼「不論晴雨」是不是「shine or rain」呢?又錯!應該是「rain or shine」才對!「飢寒交迫」呢?英文正式寫法是:「suffer from cold and hunger」,而非「suffer from hunger and cold」。最後,港人十分重視的「衣食住行」,西方人的排法是:「food, clothing, housing and transportation」而非「clothing, food, housing and transportation」。筆者相信西方人認為食比穿衣服重要。
用詞多元化 輕易獲佳績
其實考作文卷時,最重要的是基本英文文法不要錯(do not get basic Enlish grammar wrong)。只要同學小心別犯一般人常犯的錯誤,令自己的文章看上去流暢通順。這樣,評卷員至少不會給考生不合格(除非離題)。若然要考上level 5以上成績,則要加上一些advanced vocabulary,令評卷員感到同學用詞的多元化(use various vocabulary items)而且準確又有深度(accurate and sophisicated)。這兩個簡單的絕招足以幫考生提升英文作文的層次,輕易考得好成績。再加上對Chinglish的注意,知道怎去correct Chinglish,寫正確的英文用字,考英文作文其實沒難度。 ■馬漪楠 培正中學英文科副主任
再做以下的 exercise,看看自己學了多少吧。
1.There are many children suffering from _____.
2.John travelled _____ all the time between Hong Kong and England.
3.Don't worry. We'll support you _____.
4.She is the first female _____ athlete win 3 medals in an Olympics. We are so proud of her!
5.Living in Hong Kong, you don't have to worry about _____.
6.You can travel on _____ from England to France. It's not a must to take the Eurostar. You can take a ship too.
1.hunger and cold
2.back and forth
3.rain or shine
4.track and field
5.food, clothing, housing and transportation
6.land and water