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2014年5月30日 星期五
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英文應試攻略:獨沽一味難求分 壯大詞庫先有計

寫作必備 Prepositional Phrase之下

多學不同的prepositional phrases,有助提高文章的可讀性。試想一想,一名考生在全篇作文獨沽一味地用了5次 "in order to",但另一名考生則用了 "in an attempt to"、 "in an effort to" 及 "in a bid to" 等不同組合去表達同一個意思。評卷員一定會覺得後者的詞庫較豐富,懂得用 "a variety of vocabulary items or phrases"。這當然對分數有正面影響了!

為協助考生摘星,筆者以下會介紹更多以 "in" 為首的prepositional phrases,好讓他們能壯大自己的詞庫。

.In dispute 爭議中

.In the clouds 心不在焉 

.In advance 預先

.In excess 過量地

.In no way 絕不

.In vain 無效

.In turn 輪流

.In the long term


.In question 被談論中/被考慮中

.In quarantine 被隔離

.In theory 理論性

.In progress 進行中

.In tandem 協力地

.In all likelihood 大有可能地

.In moderation 適量地

.In the spotlight 受到注目

.In ruins 成為廢墟

.In principle


.In succession 連接地

.In the first place 起初

.In confidence 機密/秘密

.In custody 被拘留


1. Many celebrities are being tired of living _________ . They would rather keep a certain degree of privacy than being followed all the time.

2. Brandy can be good for you if it is taken _________ .

3. _________ , she has already left the office as you can't find her bag in her seat.

4. Jack and his wife run their online business _________ . They are such a perfect pair.

5. The tsunami left the whole town _________ .

6. All the SARS patients will be kept _________ for a week.

7. _________ , Hong Kongers should all accept new immigrants but _________ , many of us find it hard to accept them, not to mention helping them to adapt their life here.

8. Don't disturb Eason. He is doing his recording _________ .


1. in the spotlight / in the limelight

2. in moderation

3. In all likelihood / In all probability

4. in tandem

5. in ruins

6. in quarantine

7. In theory, in practice / in reality

8. in progress


作者簡介:馬漪楠,曾獲行政長官卓越教學獎(英國語文教育學習領域)(2009/2010) , 與岑皓軒合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1&2》。


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