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2011年11月25日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-11-25]     我要評論

■前座乘客不應抱著兒童或讓他們坐在大腿上,以免一旦發生交通意外,兒童可能會被拋出車外。 資料圖片




Conviction signals warning for holding a child while driving

A father who let his 2-year-old boy sit on his lap and control the steering wheel of a car was convicted of dangerous driving, while the mother, who videoed the whole process behind them, was convicted of aiding and abetting dangerous driving. In pleading for mercy, the lawyer representing the defendants said that it was an act of stupidity and that the couple had undertaken to assume responsibility. He added that as the parents were fiercely criticized by netizens on the web, which had caused them great pressure and disturbances, he wished the judge would give a lighter sentence. It is obvious that holding a child while driving is an act of stupidity but it is a kind of stupidity that would lead to grave consequences, which is what makes the case even more serious. The fierce criticism by netizens simply proves that the couple's action is intolerable.

Under the existing law of Hong Kong, children at the age of two or less, when placed in the front seat of a private car, must be securely fastened to the seat by means of an approved restraint. It is also clearly stated on the web page of the Transport Department that a front seat passenger should not hold a child or let a child sit on his/her lap lest the child may be thrown out of the car or pressed between the passenger and the dashboard in case of a traffic accident. For the sake of safety, children should be placed in rear seats.

In most parts of the world, it is illegal to hold a child on the lap while driving. Hollywood star Britney Spears once held her son on her lap as she drove to escape the stalking paparazzi. Her act was in violation of the law of the State of California, and the United States Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta reprimanded Spears by saying, "No matter who you are, there's absolutely no excuse for this display... It's irresponsible to compromise the safety of a child for the sake of the moment." Letting a two-year-old child sit on the lap of the father and control the steering wheel is an irresponsible act and should be a punishable offence. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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