■男子偕同太太推嬰兒車。 資料圖片
「男士侍產假」paternity leave
「香港討論多時的男士有薪侍產假問題終於有突破」:「討論多時」可說under discussion for a long time;「男士侍產假」的標準說法是paternity leave,當中的paternity解作「父親的身份」,而leave則指「休假」,與之相對的是maternity leave,即孕婦的「產假」;「有薪」的形容詞是paid;「問題」可說issue;「終於」是finally;「有突破」可說achieve a breakthrough。
「可以獲得」be entitled to
「勞顧會昨日通過建議立法推行有薪侍產假」:「勞顧會」的全名是「勞工顧問委員會」,英文叫the Labour Advisory Board;「通過」可說endorse;「建議」是proposal;「立法推行」可說make ... statutory,即「使……成為法定的」。
「男士可以獲得3天侍產假」:「可以獲得」可說be entitled to,意思即「有資格享有」。
「勞工成本」labour cost
「其間可領五分之四(八成)薪金」:「其間」在這兒可說for their time away,意即「在他們休假期間」;「可領」可說can receive;「五分之四(八成)」可說four fifths (ie, 80 percent),當中的ie解作「即是」;「薪金」是salary。
「估計整體勞工成本為1億元至4億元」:「估計」可說it is estimated that;「整體」是overall;「勞工成本」是labour cost;「為」即「是」,而這兒指「總數是」,因此可用短語動詞amount to;「億」,英文沒有一個字表示,只有million表示「百萬」,而billion已是「十億」,因此「億」是hundred million。
因此全段可英譯如下:The issue of paternity leave, which has been under discussion for a long time, finally achieved a breakthrough. The Labour Advisory Board yesterday endorsed a proposal to make paternity leave statutory. Men will be entitled to 3 days of paternity leave, and can receive four fifths (ie, 80 percent) of their salaries. It is estimated that the overall labour cost will amount to one to four hundred million dollars. ■MT Ness