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2013年6月26日 星期三
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-06-26]     我要評論

■張建宗宣布容許移居廣東的合資格長者在當地領取生果金的「廣東計劃」。 資料圖片




Speed up the extension of old age living allowance to Guangdong Scheme

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare Cheung Kin-chung announced on 10 June the 隼uangdong Scheme* under which eligible elderly people who have moved to Guangdong Province will be allowed to collect fruit money in their locality of residence. In fact, the living standard on the mainland has been rising and Renminbi keeps on appreciating. The authorities should step up their efforts to incorporate the old age living allowance into the Guangdong Scheme and increase the sum of allowance under the scheme. These can tie in with the easing of eligibility restrictions on absence from Hong Kong, providing greater support to Hong Kong elderly people who choose to spend their old age on the mainland.

Currently, many elders are moving back to Hong Kong because of inflation on the mainland and the continual appreciation of Renminbi in recent years. The fruit money which is just more than HKD1,000 is now hardly enough for the old people to live their lives on the mainland. In the past, the elders were able to lead quite a comfortable life on the mainland on just their own savings. The Guangdong Scheme was introduced by the former government in 2011, but now the living expenses for the elderly people residing on the mainland have increased considerably compared with those two years ago. At present, a Guangdong Scheme applicant receives only HKD1,135 a month, which is HKD1,065 less than the old age living allowance of HKD2,200 passed in April this year. This difference is good enough for the elders from Hong Kong to improve lives on the mainland. Although the government has expressed the intention to study the incorporation of the old age living allowance into the Guangdong Scheme, it has also stressed that such action will only take place after the scheme has been reviewed within a year after it has been in operation for a certain period of time.

Apart from easing the eligibility restrictions on absence from Hong Kong for receiving fruit money and increasing the sum of allowance under the Guangdong Scheme, the authorities should also review the current social welfare policies, taking into consideration the trend of convergence between Guangdong and Hong Kong. It should engage in greater collaboration with mainland agencies and social welfare organizations in areas of medical care, housing and social welfare policies in order to provide better support to the Hong Kong elderly people who choose to live on the mainland in their twilight years.(節自香港《文匯報》2013年6月11日) ■Translation by Tung-ming [tungming23@gmail.com]

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