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2014年6月4日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】



■越南民眾的反華示威將嚴重影響中越關係。 資料圖片




China must hit back at Vietnam

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on 18 May that it would suspend part of the bilateral exchanges with Vietnam and arrange chartered flights and vessels to bring Chinese nationals back home. As Vietnam acted as a pawn of the US and stirred up a sentiment of anti-China hostility, China has to hit back. So far the sanction that China has taken is very limited, aiming at warning Vietnam not to do anything wrong again. However, if Vietnam continues its wrong deeds, it will have to face a series of strong retaliations, and the consequence will be too grave for it to take.

There had been anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam recently resulting in casualties and loss of property of Chinese nationals. The Vietnam regime started the dispute on the oilfield in the South China Sea, inflamed nationalist sentiments and harmed Chinese enterprises and personnel in Vietnam, wishing that these could put pressure on China. They had underestimated China's resolve and might to protect its sovereignty. Hurting innocent civilians violently and playing the nationalist card would not in any way make China back down. These would only work just the opposite. It is worthy of notice that the Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army Fang Fenghui had made it clear in his recent trip to US that the Chinese oil rig in the Paracel Islands "would definitely be built and would not be interrupted or damaged by any external forces".

Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has given an order to stop all "illegal protests" and deployed a strong force of military police to maintain public order. This shows that the condition may be getting out of control and the authorities have to do something to save the situation. Good public order, social stability and protection for personal safety of foreign investors are basic elements in the prosperity and development of a country. Vietnam's attempt to intimidate China by hurting Chinese enterprises is an act which will only backfire and hurt itself. It is a very stupid move and Vietnam will lose more than what they can get.■English Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]



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