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「九龍灣啟晴邨樂晴樓昨日爆出驚動香港、更勝影視劇情的警匪槍戰」:「啟晴邨」Kai Ching Estate,依慣例前面兩字音譯,而「邨」則叫Estate;「樂晴樓」是Lok Ching House,依慣例「樓」叫House;「爆出」即「爆發」,可說break out;「驚動香港」可說that shock Hong Kong;「更勝影視劇情」可說even more dramatic than TV soap and movie plot(s),當中的soap指「肥皂劇」,plot指「劇情」;「警匪槍戰」是gunfight between police and a criminal。
「封鎖」seal off
「43歲姓廖冷氣技工前晚遭人連開3槍轟斃後」:「姓廖」可說surnamed Liu;「冷氣技工」是air-conditioning technician;「遭人連開3槍轟斃」可說killed with three consecutive gunshots。
「警方如臨大敵封鎖樂晴樓」:「警方」是police;「如臨大敵」可說react as if confronting a formidable enemy,當中的confront解作「面臨」,formidable指「難對付的」;「封鎖」常說seal off。
「搜捕」hunt for
「通宵搜捕相信住在同一大廈的疑兇」:「通宵」可說overnight;「搜捕」常說hunt for;「疑兇」常叫alleged murderer,也可泛稱suspect。
「疑兇最終在飛虎隊用『盲聾彈』強攻入屋前吞槍自盡身亡」:「飛虎隊」指警隊內的「特別任務連」(Special Duties Unit, SDU),綽號便是Flying Tigers;「盲聾彈」是「暈眩彈」的俗稱,英文叫stun grenade,當中的stun解作「使昏迷、震驚」,grenade是手榴彈;「強攻」即「突襲」,常叫raid;「吞槍自盡身亡」是shoot oneself dead。
因此全段可英譯如下:A gunfight between police and a criminal broke out on June 1th in Lok Ching House, Kai Ching Estate, Kowloon Bay, which shocked Hong Kong because it was even more dramatic than TV soap and movie plots. After a 43-year-old air-conditioning technician surnamed Liu was killed with three consecutive gunshots, police reacted as if confronting a formidable enemy, sealing off Lok Ching House to hunt for the alleged murderer, who was believed to live in the same building. The suspect eventually shot himself dead before the Flying Tigers raided the flat with stun grenades. ■NT Mess
1. 疑兇是個獨來獨往的人。這樣的人可叫loner,另一個說法是lone甚麼?
2. 閉路電視(CCTV)的片段提供了一些線索。CCTV的英文全名是甚麼?
3. 疑兇曾居住中轉房屋,它的英文名字是甚麼housing?
1. lone wolf;
2. closed-circuit television;
3. interim housing。