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2013年6月7日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-06-07]     我要評論


 上次筆者提及了一些考評局列出的stock phrases和同學們在作文中經常犯的錯誤。這期講的是一些筆者在改卷時發現的錯誤用句。希望可以藉此幫助同學避免重複犯錯。

 筆者發現不少同學為了加強自己的語氣,強調自己的論據,都會用上「There is no doubt」作為topic sentence的開首。例如:「There is no doubt that smoking can induce lung cancer.」用了「There is no doubt」確實令到自己的論據更有說服力。但若然同學把「There is no doubt」寫成了「It is no doubt」,那就犯了文法上的錯誤。此外,「There is no doubt」其實已是tock phrase,所以若然同學要用,真的一定要用得正確。否則一定會被markers認為你在背句子,就得不償失了。以下是一些以「There is」作為開首的句法,大家可以用來參考。

 There is no need ...沒有必要的是

  There is no point ...沒有意義的是

  There is no chance ...沒有機會的是

 There is no reason ...沒有原因的是

 There is no denying ...不可否認的是

 There is no hope ...沒有希望的是

 There is no question ...毫無疑問的是

 There is no choice/alternative ...沒有選擇的是

「There is」後跟名詞

 其實,記法很簡單,「There is」之後一定要跟noun(名詞)。以上所寫的「need」、「point」、「chance」、「reason」、「denying」、「hope」、「question」、「choice」和「alternative」全都是名詞,所以要用「There is」,而不是「It is」。至於「It is」之後就通常跟noun(名詞)和adjective(形容詞)。以下是一些例子:

 It is no good ...沒用

 It is worth ...值得

 It is no wonder ...不足為怪

 It is no secret ...這不是甚麼秘密

 It is no longer necessary ...不再重要

 It is no use ...無用

 It is no fun ...沒趣

 It is no coincidenceaccident ...並非巧合

 It is no surprise ...不奇怪


 不如一起做以下的練習,熟習一下「It is no ...」和「There is no ...」這兩種句式。

1. _______ telling me now. I needed to know two days ago.

2. _______ that they left the annual dinner at the same time.

3. _______ but to ask her to leave our club.

4. _______ in arguing with him. He is not making any sense.

5. _______ to make a decision now. We can do it tomorrow.

6. _______ that Pete won the competition. He is surely the best driver around at the moment.


1. It is no use

2. It was no coincidence/accident

3. There is no choice/alternative

4. There is no point

5. There is no need/It is no longer necessary

6. There is no wonder

 ■馬漪楠 培正中學英文科副主任



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